Donald C. Arthur entered naval service in 1974 and attained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He completed Navy training in Flight Surgery and Undersea Medicine, and a residency in emergency medicine. His diverse duty stations included clinical, operational and executive medicine positions. Following his Operation DESERT SHIELD/STORM deployment with the Marine Corps Second Medical Battalion, he served as Director of Medical Programs for the U.S. Marine Corps. He was also Commanding Officer, Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune and Commander, National Naval Medical Center Bethesda and held the positions of Assistant Chief for Health Care Operations and Deputy Surgeon General at the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. He became the Navy’s 35th Surgeon General in 2004. As Surgeon General, he played a vital role in the Military Health System’s transformation by improving Force Health Protection methods, enhancing Wounded Warrior services and advancing initiatives and policies that were vital to the operational readiness of our military forces and the quality of life for their families. Under his leadership, Navy Medicine consistently delivered over 4,000 deployed medical personnel in support of the Global War on Terror and surged to deploy USNS
Mercy in support of 2005 South Asia Tsunami relief efforts.
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